Reflecting on the journey. 

When I started Shopmonkey three years ago, my vision was simple. I wanted to help shops run more smoothly and become more profitable with better auto repair software. Three years later, I’m happy to announce that we’re well on our way. Since inception, we’ve developed the core web application extensively, hired great people, and are currently getting ready to release our mobile app. 

Both the product and our team still have immense opportunity to grow, and we are nowhere near done. As we evolve as a company and continuously build our software, our values to lead by design and take care of the customer with incredible support remain constant.

I’m excited to announce that just three years in, we have passed 1,000 shops who utilize the Shopmonkey platform to run their day-to-day business operations. This is an incredible privilege and responsibility. I couldn’t be more thrilled with the team and their accomplishments. 

We threw a big party when we crossed 100 customers not too long ago. We’re ready to plan an even better celebration for surpassing the 1,000 mark.

Thanks for being on this journey with us!

To celebrate with us, be entered to win $1,000 (new subscribers only)

As a fun way to celebrate, all first-time Shopmonkey subscribers who subscribe between July 22nd and August 19th will be automatically entered to win a $1,000 Visa gift card. Winner will be announced on August 20th.

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